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  A Brief History of Photography      

To be released by Rocky Nook (USA) on

4 February, 2025

Available for pre-order at:

Canada: Indigo Books, Amazon

RockyNook, Barnes & Noble, Bookshop.org, Target, Prairie Light, Amazon,
Skylight Books
, ElmStreet Books

United Kingdon: Amazon  Australia: Booktopia
  Brazil: Amazon  Egypt: Amazon
Kinokuniya Korea: Kyobo
  India: Comp-Bookshop

Signed copies can be obtained at variousl book-signings which will be
arranged throughout western Canada, once the book is available.

Bring your unsigned book, no matter where purchased, and I'll be happy
to sign it for you. 

Book signings will be announced, here.

Unfortunately, at this point, visa requirements and timing/travel costs make
of book signings in the USA problematic. We are currently awaiting clarification

from the US Government regarding visa requirements.
When known, the details of any US book signings will be announced, here.

Signed copies can also be had by purhasing from the author.  However, while the signing is
without cost, the books must be shipped from California to Canada, to be signed, and then on to the
purchaser, so significant shipping costs will have to be added to the book price.
Details to follow.

A Brief History of Photogrraphy Cover Photo